
Claire's Fattening Family Part 1

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Our heroine of the story is Claire. She is a high schooler living with her mother and father. Pretty normal so to say, until her parents throw a wrench in her so called normal life.

Recently Claire's diet had changed, unbeknownst to her. Her parents had started buying unhealthy snacks, stuff that was high in fat and sugar. They also started serving richer and heavier foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Claire didn't really notice the change at all though, she just accepted the food her parents purchased and prepared for the family.

After the change in food all over the house, Claire's parents started encouraging her to eat more. "Hey hon, take this box of Twinkies up to your room with you." "The rest of the donuts are your dear, your father and I have had enough." "Why don't you go get seconds of desert?" Claire always followed with what they said, they were her parents after all, they typically knew best. As her parents encouraged her to eat more and more, and as she ate more sweets, her appetite grew. Soon she was polishing off the box of donuts before her parents even noticed. And she would have thirds for desert without anyone saying a word. All along Claire was plumping up quite nicely.

Claire, originally a meager 130lbs, was now nearing 160lbs as she turned into her sophomore year of high school. She had gotten soft all over her body. She had developed a small second chin and chubby cheeks. Her youthful perky breasts had become fuller and rounder, even going as far to strain her bras and tops. Her mother and refitted her whole wardrobe when Claire had first outgrown her clothes, and now it was happening again. Her soft belly hung slightly over her pants. Her bellies roundness lead to some plump love handles on her sides. Finally, her butt had grown and was now quite the bubble behind her. Claire didn't notice the 30lb gain, for it was all very gradual over the course of the last year

One morning, just a few days before school started again for the year, Claire was asleep and her parents softly came into her room to wake her up. "Good morning dear. It's time to wake up." Her mother sung.

"Mom? Dad? Why are you waking me up?" Claire rubbed her eyes, as she rose up in her bed, confused at the situation. Usually her parents waited for her to get up on her own time, maybe she had forgotten about something that was planned today.

"We have something we want to talk to you about." Her mother started.

"What is so important that you had to wake me up?" Claire stretched as she was almost fully awake now.

"Well you see dear, you have been gaining some weight as of late." Her mother came out with it.

"I have? It doesn't feel like I have." Claire took this bit of honesty almost as an attack.

"You have put on about 30lbs in the past year honey." Her father said plainly, almost like how could she not have noticed she was that much heavier, despite the fact they her weight gain had been meticulously planned.

"Holy cow! How did I gain so much weight? We have always had such regular eating habits."

"Honey we are not here to put you on a diet. We have something to tell you." Her mother got back on track

"Well if it's not that I gained weight what is it?" Claire was very confused this morning, things were all very odd.

"We want you to gain more weight." Claire’s eye almost slammed out of her head. She must have still been groggy, there is no way she heard what she thought she heard, did she?

"What! Why? You want me to be fat?” Claire darted her eyes back and forth between her parents in disbelief. “Am I not your real daughter? What's wrong with you two?"

"There is nothing wrong with us dear.” Her mother giggled as she knew this was a strange request, but after her own unique upbringing this sounded quite natural after all these years. ”And there is nothing wrong with being fat, there is no need to be outraged. You’ll understand soon enough.”

"Your mother was quite big when we met, and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on." Her father, Roger, drifted back to the good ol’ days for a brief moment, before snapping back to reality.

"But you're not fat now mom, why do I have to be fat?" Her whole life Claire had learned being fat was not something people strived to do. Her parents had never enticed her to be fat, or so she had thought, and neither of them were overly fat either. Claire’s mother, Ashley, was no rail though, she might have leaned out over the years from her former heavier size, but she remained a thick middle aged woman.

"I was never meant to be truly fat, but you, you have a real chance of being the family pride." Her mother glowed, spreading her confidence with her daughter.

"I have to be fat to be the pride of the family? Maybe I'm not meant to be fat either." Claire pleaded.

"Trust us dear, you are meant to be." Her father interjected.

"But why?" Claire was getting a bit depressed. Fat people got made fun of, why did her parents think it was going to be a point of pride if she got fat?

"Every generation of my family has plumped up their young girls when they are your age. It's how you become a woman in this family, and it is time you became a woman." Her mother explained. "Your cousin Diane is going through the same thing you are. By the end of high school whichever one of you is bigger becomes next reigning family member, just like I was, and just like my mother was. You uncle is dead set on Diane winning this challenge, so your father and I need you on our side if we are going to win. Are you with us?"

Claire didn't hate the way her eating habits had been past year and she hadn’t even noticed the gain, so she thought nobody else must have either. So what would be the harm in going along with what her parents were requesting, it sounded like it would make them happy anyways.  "If this is going to make you guys happy, then I’ll do it."

Little did Claire know what she was getting herself into. What she did know is that she could use some more curves. She was just becoming of age and sexual enlightenment, and was starting to understand that guys flocked to certain body types. When she was 130 lbs she was rail thin and noticed that all the hot popular guys were going after the girls who were starting to get big boobs, even though they might have a small soft stomach. With the last 30 lbs Claire's boobs had already started swelled up and were rivaling the size of the popular skinny girls that she always wanted to look as good as. But where the skinny girls were pretty toned everywhere else Claire, not being one who was very athletic or sporty, was now a bit pudgy everywhere else. If she continued to gain weight her slightly thick features were bound to become chubby if not downright fat, and the popular boys would go back to passing her over when it came to the ranks of the high school dating hierarchy. Claire being somewhat naive of the weight she had gained didn't see the harm in keeping an indulged diet.

Claire's dad left her bedroom and her mother came and sat on the edge of her bed. "You don't know how proud you are going to make your father and me. Now why don't you get dressed and come down for breakfast." Claire's mother left her to change and Claire made her way down in due time. The smells coming from the kitchen were heavenly, and she walked in to see a huge spread on the kitchen table.

"Are we having guests over for breakfast?" Claire asked

"No no honey, this is for you." her father replied with glee

'For me?' Claire thought. 'There’s no way I’d be able to eat all of this. I know they want me to eat more, but geez.’

"Don't worry hun, you don't have to eat it all, your father just over did it." Her mother reassured her, while giving a look to her husband telling him ‘I told you so!’

The small family all sat at the table in the kitchen and Claire put a few pancakes on her plate and then lightly butter and syruped them. "Honey there is plenty of syrup to go around, take some more if you want to." her mother encouraged. They knew Claire wasn't going turn into a pig over night like they would liked and she still needed to be encouraged, they still had a long time to plump up their little girl.

Claire's parents ate a little bit each, and just watched and talked to Claire as she ate. Claire was easily putting away the food on her plate and was not filling up. She thought after the pancakes and a little sausage she would be done, but she went back for some eggs and toast, and then even some hash browns. Her parents encouraged her to take a few more pancakes before she threw in the towel. Claire was quite stuffed and was resigned to relax at the table while her parents cleaned up from the meal.

A few days later the school year started, and soon Claire was back in her old routine. The only difference now was the food. Last year, as her parents tried to ease her into gaining weight, Claire had been treated to tasty dinners and offered plenty of snacks. But now that everything was out there in the open, the expectation for more was there as well. Claire didn’t mind though, she loved everything her parents cooked, it was all very tasty. She didn’t mind the extra pounds either, the blossoming teen felt like the extra padding was going to all the right places. She could feel her womanly curves coming alive, and her bust was looking better than ever, which pleased her. She knew that’s all boys cared about, and high school was all about boys, or so she thought. But there also came extra padding everywhere else.  She had also developed quite the stomach. The round little thing hung in front of her and jiggled slightly.

As Claire paid no mind, and just kept her mouth and belly full as her parents wanted, she was oblivious to the fact that she no longer commanded the attention of the males she was so eager to impress. The popular jocks, with all the muscles and good looks had at one point had their eye on Claire, as she developed more than most of the girls around her. But now that she was sporting love handles that hung over the waist of her jeans, and her thighs were beginning to touch, she was totally off their radar. She assumed that her body was just what they all wanted, but at 180lbs she was a bit bigger than most high school boys wanted, and she wasn’t stopping there.

Claire had been spending a lot of nights and weekends home with her parents. They always said they wanted to spend more time with her. What they really wanted was to keep her well fed throughout the day. But like any high school girl, Claire wanted to go out with her friends, go to the mall, buy clothes, and talk about boys. Claire had been making decent progress so her parents were lenient when it came to letting her loose on the weekends.

Claire’s friends had started to find it weird that their always skinny friend was starting to look much softer. Some of her friends even started to distance themselves from her. But Claire always had one friend who was down to hangout no matter what, and that was Jen. Jen wasn’t Claire’s closest friend, but they had been friendly enough, and shared enough in common to get along well. Jen hated being at home, her mom was a total bitch, so she took any excuse to get out of the house. So when Claire would invite her out to the mall, she always said yes. The two started to become pretty good friends, and Jen started to notice Claire’s weight gain as well, it seemed like every week the girl was looking bigger as she had packed on another 20lbs over the winter. Jen thought it would be weird if she brought it up, so she kept her mouth shut.

Claire's appetite was really starting to get the best of her. When she was out with Jen she would always complain that she was hungry and they would always go out to eat. Claire hung out more and more with Jen, and Jen just kept bringing her around to restaurants and the mall. Jen started to really like hanging with Claire, but not for the common girls bonding reason you might think. Now that Claire was getting tubby, all the guys that used to check her out now had their eyes on Jen. All the restaurant eating helped Jen fill out in all the right places. Her ass grew into her tight jeans and her boobs filled her top, a perfect hourglass shape. Her legs and stomach remained toned and slim unlike Claire’s, and next to her new BFF she looked even better. Jen would bring Claire out to the food court at the mall just so she could see how many stares she could get while her friend tended to her growing hunger.

When Claire hit the 200lb mark she realized she had gone from twig, passed sexy, right to fatty. Claire was none to happy about this recent of news. Her friend Jen was getting looks from every guy they passed, but not one had made a move on her in the past year. She just knew her weight was to blame, but what was Claire to do? She had her family tradition to live up to, and she had this constant hunger now, a hunger she liked to quench, but what good was any of that if all the boys were avoiding her.
So this might look like a similar story to some of you, and that's because it is. Claire's Fattening Family started off as an interactive story on I moved some of the chapters over here for the crowd that's on DA, while it remained to grow on it's original site. There even started to emerge a natural main story that I had created, and I even lumped all those chapters in their own folder in my gallery. This story got to the point that I realized it needed to be it's own thing.So here I am re-releasing it, in better updated chapters, with new content. This time we will see Claire's story to the end.

For those of you who are not familiar with the story it follow a high school girl as she plumps up over the course of high school following some unique family tradition. She bonds with her friend Jen, and chases boys as her weight steadily climbs as her high school years go by. I hope everyone likes it, please feel free to leave comments, I try and reply to everyone.

If you have not caught the other parts, check them out: Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13Part 14Part 15Part 16Part 17

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© 2016 - 2024 mr-monopoly
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The more I read, the more hooked I get.. this is top quality wg erotica